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Little Jimmy

Little Jimmy is six years old and is the son of Dotty's daughter, Chelsea. He was named after her step father, Jimmy.

Little Jimmy's father was a deadbeat that left town the second he discovered that Chealsea was pregnant. He was a eventually brought back to the state on warrants because he was twenty-one at the time and Chelsea was fifteen. His is and will be serving time for a long time in a state penitentiary.

Little Jimmy is very feminine in many ways. The main reason being around the girls all the time, them treating him like a girl, and doing girly things with him all the time. The thing is he really like girls a lot and can easily relate to them thanks to his nurturing and the nature of his upbringing.

His grandfather, Jimmy, is always trying to keep the girls in check in regards to girly things with Little Jimmy, but it never seems to work. Big Jimmy does his best but usually just gets frustrated and walks off.

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